Abundance Mentality: More Is More


I have long believed that what we give, we get back ten-fold. Call it karma. It’s hard to imagine what my life would look like without this mentality. In short: an abundance mindset > a scarcity mindset. Every time.

An abundance mentality, as described by Stephen Covey in Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, is the concept that a rich life has nothing to do with things we acquire, but rather a sense appreciation for all people and things. The ability to see the beautiful moments as blessings and every trial as a teacher. It’s about recognizing our gifts and the inherent worthiness of others. Irrespective of our differences. It translates to a greater awareness, consciousness and connectedness. Sounds easy to practice, right? Not so much. Look no further than facebook and other social media channels, where the so-called internet “trolls”, find reasons to tear other people down. In your daily life, do you know people who exhibit an abundance mindset? What about you?

Seeing life as an ocean — with infinite possibility — rather than a pie — with a finite number — is powerful. Approaching life through the scarcity lens — if you get more, then I get less — is not a healthy mindset. This positions life as a competition… for resources, creativity, praise, joy and success.  A scarcity mindset often manifests in a fear of being vulnerable and hesitant to offer recognition. Have you ever found yourself moving between these two mindsets? Which feels better?

Try it: the next time you witness someone’s success — financially, academically, personally — and feel envy, disapproval, judgement… what if you turn it around? Use their success to help inspire your own success, happiness, joy. What we pour out on to others, is what we will get in return. Have you ever heard “your vibe attracts your tribe”? A scarcity mentality keeps our light trapped inside. And can prevent the light of others from shining on you.

The ability to see possibility vs. limitation? What’s there not to love? Having trouble seeing the light? Fortunately, abundance mindset can be achieved through practice. Below are some ways I have found to keep an abundance mentality front and center in my own life.

Be grateful.

There is no better place to start recognizing the abundance in our lives than to practice gratitude. It’s the small things that really matter here. I’m grateful that I have hot coffee in my cup this morning. I’m grateful for my team who always helps me see a different perspective. I’m grateful for the hour of solace I was provided to write this piece today. Give yourself the space to savor good experiences. Consistency in gratitude is so important. Journaling or quiet time in reflection each day can help you adjust your lens.

Offer words of praise.

If you’re struggling in scarcity, this is going to require a little bit of vulnerability, but it’s so important. If you know someone who’s doing a good job — at work, home, or maybe it is the teller at the grocery store — tell them so. If you see someone who radiates positivity when they walk into a room, tell them! The positive juju you’ll feel from lifting someone up will immediately raise your vibration.

Frame obstacles into opportunity.

Open yourself to the idea that things are not happening to you, but for you. What is this situation trying to teach me about myself, my life…how can I grow into a better version of myself from this learning? I have had a few of these experiences recently and man is this a hard one. Hindsight really is 20/20 here since now, looking back, on the experiences I thought were negative have helped shape me and build character even if they were painful at the time.

Drop comparative thinking.

There’s nothing that stifles joy like comparing yourself to others. If there is a quality you admire in someone first, tell them. And then take what you admire in others to add more sunshine in your life, in your own way.

Surround yourself with positivity

You have likely heard the phrase that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. Find a tribe of beautiful, sharing, giving people who refuse to play small and help fill you up — as you do for them.

The energy we put out into the world comes back to us. When we focus on what we lack, we lose what we have. When we focus on what we have, we gain what we lack.

If the last two months in quarantine have taught me nothing else, it is that:

  1. Life’s “small” moments are actually the “big” moments

  2. Human connection is life-giving and

  3. Kindness matters.

I hope you find joy in adopting an Abundance Mentality… with all the opportunity it brings. It’s pretty cool to think that we have the power to make choices to draw us closer to the life we want. What would happen if we all went into the world with more give and less get? Go forth with an abundant heart, spread kindness and let me know how it goes!